Painter of classical formation, forming the study of a painter Madrileo, Juan. This initial formation absolutely academics, marcsus early works, for years more figurative, with clear cubist and expressionist influences. During the early years figurative, in which his main interest was to learn and master the techniques most academics, we began to coincide with abstract and conceptual artists, which leads him interested in other artistic currents off the shackles of the academic. His first exhibitions were entirely figurative, based almost exclusively on the female nude. In 90 years, and decided to study more advanced flows gave way to the almost abstract conceptual art, his work is really all pictorial study Draw them as well as color theory, and RESEARCH n matrca. Since the utilization of new materials such as acetates, lacquers, paints, ceramics, through the teorizacin color to color research in human perception. Currently, such research continues with the profundizacin ascom in the use of materials and technology application of the techniques pictorial.